
Current Projects

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Augmented Reality

Coming soon!

360-Degree Video

Series of short film documentaries in 360-degrees, Subject is Organic Farming in the Caribbean (coming soon!)

Past Projects


I co-authored a chapter with Matt Sparks, “Artificial Intelligence and the Infinite Classroom of Tomorrow,” in the book, 9 Billion Schools, Why the World Needs Personalized, Lifelong Learning for All. The book preview is available for download online here.


Bird Feeder 3000 (BF3K), SXSW 2018: It’s a 3D printed Bird Feeder, virtual reality camera, and AI-powered IOT science station…in one!

BF3K SXSW 2018 Presentation Recording

Letters to a Young AI SXSW EDU 2018 Presentation Recording: Letters to a Young AI, where young AI is a proxy for all AI, is a series of letters that teach ethics to an AI before being introduced into the classroom.

Augmented Reality

SnapChat Filters (see below): Stanford Cap, Go Stanford!, Do Something Great, 2D Art World, Sparkle Love Filter


I built a game in Unity where a player has to dodge various objects in order to find suitable land to grow food. See a video of me playing below.