The more content I read, listen to, and watch, the more I understand the importance of value creation. It’s easy to see why most creators do not provide value (hint: It can be really hard!).  It’s also easy to see why this is an opportunity for us, an opportunity in creating true fan centered value.

Before preparing your next presentation, talk, workshop, or body of work, think of your true fan. With her in mind, ask yourself these questions throughout your creative process:

  • Am I providing value to her?
  • How does X (e.g., my presentation on emerging technology) provide value to her?
  • Does Y (e.g., my essay on leadership) solve a problem she has or could have?
  • What can she learn from Z (e.g., my talk on technology)?

If you’re unable to answer these questions with an honest yes, I am providing her value through the lessons I learned and here’s what she can learn or how it helps her…, then keep honing and revising until you produce work she finds valuable. This allows you to take your time and think through your true fan’s needs and problems before you develop a solution that may not fit. Focus on your true fan’s needs and problems and you’ll not only consistently produce excellent material, you’ll also build trust and set yourself apart as a visionary thinker who gives true fan centered value.