I recently finished You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost): A Memoir written by Felicia Day. She’s a great storyteller who is vulnerable and completely open about her life and the many missteps she’s taken along the way. The Audible version is especially engaging because she reads, or rather performs the book for you. Even before I was finished with the book, I found myself recommending it to others and imitating her voice and intonations in recounting some of her hilarious (and true) stories. I recommend this book if you’re looking for something that’s funny, poignant, unique, and yet, relatable, all at the same time.

She also reminds of the inherent power of the Internet and how we, too, can use this for building our platforms and scaling our creative projects. We all have a voice. And, in the age of “Me Too”, this fundamental fact is particularly relevant.